O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Sunday 14 July 2013

Social time

The river is still in flood, i really can`t believe how many times the river has been in major flood. I so need to get some bait in to try and catch before the season ends but it doesn't look very likely now so its back to the syndicate for a bit of a social. There were four of us fishing for just one night in poor conditions. It was a very enjoyable session even tho i blanked with two others. It was great to chill and have a chat. There was only one fish out between four of us only a low double but it was still welcome in these conditions. The session flew by you know what they say time flys when your having fun well it certainly did.  

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