O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Long Eaton Canal 02-05-2012

A change of plan tonight with Grange being flooded still, I went on the canal in Long Eaton to see if I could find any carp, after 2 hours walking up and down I had seen nothing but the conditions were not great for spotting. I decided on a spot were I have fished before and caught carp, I put one of the rods out and 5 minutes later 2 boats were approaching me I dipped the rod tip to the bottom and the first boat passed no problem but the second for some reason picked my line up and broke it instantly so not a happy chap at this point. I had no action not even a liner but did have a chat with a couple of fellas which is always good for getting info about places, better luck next time.

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