O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Monday 1 July 2013

River Soar 16-06-2011

First session of the 2011/12 season on the river soar. Am going to be doing most of my fishing this season on the weir at Kegworth after barbel and carp. I hope to produce some nice fish using my own baits, they worked well last year on here best fish being a 20lb 3oz mirror. The weir has had some work done to it this year as the club I bailiff for have leased the weir section off British Waterways , there has been a clear path cut out to all the pegs and some have had steps cut out to allow easy access to the water. There is around 10 pegs to fish now, the one I chose for this session has the widest section of water with a nice slack bit on the other side under some trees looks very inviting. I baited up with some boilies and underarm cast to the trees on the other side, the other rod was out nearly half way just before the flow starts, both rods had D.C.Baits 14mm crab boilies on. I only made them today but I couldn’t find my book with my measurements in for the ingredients so I had to have a guess, I thought everything was ok until it came to drying them. What had happened is I had mixed a couple of main ingredients wrong so the bait rolled ok but they ended up a bit soft. Anyway nothing was caught but was having loads of liners just couldn’t get a take……   

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