O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Sunday 14 July 2013

Social time

The river is still in flood, i really can`t believe how many times the river has been in major flood. I so need to get some bait in to try and catch before the season ends but it doesn't look very likely now so its back to the syndicate for a bit of a social. There were four of us fishing for just one night in poor conditions. It was a very enjoyable session even tho i blanked with two others. It was great to chill and have a chat. There was only one fish out between four of us only a low double but it was still welcome in these conditions. The session flew by you know what they say time flys when your having fun well it certainly did.  

Onto a still water

To a still water it is then. I am fishing on a friend’s lake who has kindly allowed me to fish a 3 night session. The lake is around 3 to 4 acres with a good head of carp running in to the 30s. The approach was 2 rods on a lightly baited area and one rod out on a single. After walking round 3 or 4 times with nothing showing a got one of the rods out and had a quick lead around, I soon found a very likely spot on the edge of some overhanging trees. The area was almost clear just a light amount of weed in 8 foot of water. The bait was to be particles with a few boilies, I only baited very light the first afternoon and put 2 rods on the spot, one with a pop-up and one on bottom bait. The other rod was put out to another area with light weed 60 yards to my right with a chod rig. The first night was a bloody cold one with no action but I woke up to a beautiful sunrise and three quarters of the lake frozen, luckily the areas I was fishing were free from ice.

The sun continued to rise with a clear sky and the day turned out to be lovely. I re baited my area with a kilo of bait to try make something happen it doesn’t always work but with this sun warming the water nicely if they were going to have a munch I wanted to have plenty there for them. I started the day off using zigs with no joy so just after middy day I swapped back over and was fishing over the baited spot. Mid-afternoon and the middle rod ripped off, I ran down the bank to the rods and lifted in to a fish already kiting to the right away from the tree. After a good little battle I slipped the net around the first fish of the session a mirror of around 16lb.

A couple of snaps and he was back to his home, it was only 10 minutes till the same rod rattled off again this time the fight was a lot shorter and a low double common was in the net. After 2 quick takes I was confident for another but unfortunately it didn’t happen, the next take was at 7 in the morning on the right rod, the weather had changed for the worst with rain and strong winds. So it was a cold few minutes playing this fish until another common grazed the net. This one was another upper double at 17lb. As midday arrived I decided to re bait my area with another kilo but I never got another take so the next morning I did a move for the last day. I found a couple of likely areas and settled down for the day. Unfortunately I had no more action, I have really enjoyed my time on the bank the last evening I was lucky enough to have a barn owl land no more than 10 yards away from me on a post, what an experience to get so close I just wish I had the camera handy may be next time…..

River Soar early February

Yet again another flood, I have lost count of how many major floods we have had this season. It’s the first week in February and not looking good, with the end of the season not far away I was hoping I could get some bait in ready for the last week of the season. With the New Year not going to well I decided to have a look at some still waters while the rivers hopefully sorted themselves out. The temps have not been great so it’s going to be a hard end to the season. My only worry with a still water is a lot of them are freezing up , will I even get the chance of a bite.

The start of 2013

The year 2013 let’s hope the weather is better to us this year. The first session of the year was to be at a still water as the rivers are still flooded. The first session of the New Year turned out in a blank but it was great to get back out on the bank again, it was a cold day with only one fish show in that was in my area so I was in the right place. I fished until my lift arrived which was last light.

The first session on the River Soar turned out much the same another blank. I arrived at about 1 in the afternoon to find I had the whole river to myself again so I headed for the weir island looking for signs on the way there. I chose a peg which has produced some very good barbel the year before. The floods have made a big difference this time all the banks are now covered with sand; also I found the depths had changed quite a bit as well. The bottom felt like sand with the first drop out with a lead so I had a couple of quick flicks round not too much just enough to build a little picture up of the bottom. I only baited very lightly using a small section of Castaway P.V.A. funnel webbing with 1 whole boilie and a few crushed, I also put out a small handful of boilies in a line over the area. After about an hour I got a right shock, an otter broke the surface not six feet in front of me. As soon as it saw me it shot off under the water again, was there any point in staying here now is what I was asking myself for the next half hour. An hour later I decided to call it a day and return soon for another bash. 

The next day I went for another go this time I fished under the road bridge for a change, it’s not somewhere I have fished before but on the day it looked go for a go. Same approach as the day before a quick feel round and small P.V.A. bags were put out, I fished one rod in the flow and the other down the deep margin. I was there for about 5 hours in the end with no takes but I had been feeding the swim slowly over that time on the plan of coming back soon for another go. So another blank it’s not looked to go so far this year but that’s fishing for you. 

I returned after a couple of days to fish the peg again. It was a lovely start to the morning, the mist rolling in off the river and the sun just breaking through the trees it all felt so good until the cormorants started flying over me, 14 in 10 minutes that was more than enough to spoil the mood. I fished through to mid-afternoon before calling it a day, another blank hmm.

A couple of weeks not being able to go on the bank fishing has seen the snow arrive, I thought I would have a go with the spinning rod in the snow and keep on the move for a few hours. The river looked beautiful with a covering of the white stuff hiding all the litter on the banks from the last flood. So a casual walk along the river only produced a couple of jacks but it was an enjoyable day.

With the snow here I thought I would have a go at getting a snow barbel, now i do love catching barbel and one in the snow would be special but to get a river carp in this now that would be super special in my book. Anyway I headed off to the weir island for a go and dropped in a peg which has done some great fish last year. It was not to be again as this session was a blank but what a time to be out fishing it was a great day with the usual robin popping in for a look and a kingfisher dropped in on the tree to my left, this is the closest I have been to one so the moment was cherished.   

Wednesday 10 July 2013

River Soar the end of 2012

Well the plan did not really get put to play with yet again another flood. This flood was a real bad one the horse shoe was almost swallowed up by the river, and the field was really hard to walk across as the cows had been in there a lot this year churning it up, I have never seen the River Soar so high and flowing it really did look like the Trent. With no bait going in and the flow being very strong I would say 90% of fish would have moved down stream away from the weir island, some may of held up in front of deep lock just off the island, there was a few fish spotted earlier in the year in this spot again in a big flood water. I did have a couple of session in the likely spots but nothing came of it but to be honest I did not spend enough time on the bank trying to locate them, you get out what you put in.

After a couple of session with nothing I decided to have a go for a pike but this to turned out not to be easy with only a couple of jacks being banked. With Christmas round the corner now the sessions really dropped off and I spent a lot more time with the family which was really nice. We had a great Christmas but I just wanted to get back out on the bank. It would have to wait until the river had dropped now as I was unable to get on a still water with no transport and I had to just sit it out and hope 2013 would be a better year weather wise. 

River Soar 25-10-2012

One last session in this peg was the plan then it was time to take a little break and sort out the bait for the winter sessions to come. Nathan again having more bream but I did get another small barbel this time 6lb 14oz but that was the last of the action, so back to the drawing board for the next plan.

River soar 24-10-2012

Another session on the soar in the baited peg with Nathan which started again with bream, this time 2 falling to Nathan. My peg seemed dead but I stuck at it and was greatly rewarded when the rod bent over and the alarm screamed out. After a good first run the barbel was under the rod tip in no time, the margin was really shallow which allowed me to net the barbel pretty quick, I didn’t think it was anything big maybe a scraper double but as I picked the net up I could tell this was a good un. On the scales it went 13lb 6oz a new P.B. for me and a different fish to the 13lb 4oz one a caught a few weeks back. I was buzzing with a great catch and walked home with a great smile across my face, them 3 sessions when I was not catching and Nathan was had been forgotten.

River Soar 23-10-2012

Tonight’s session was not a great one for me it was one of those sessions where everything goes wrong. I did manage to get a slab of snot out but that was it for me but Nathan another barbel again a small one for the soar at just over 6lb. I did not fish the night before so a friend dropped in my peg and had a barbel at just over the 9lb mark, I still walked down and baited the peg to keep it going in.

River Soar 21-10-2012

This session I was hoping to get one as I had already had 2 blanks in a row and with Nathan catching I thought I should get something tonight, after a couple of slabs of snot to start with i got a barbel only a small one at 6lb 12oz but it was very welcome. Nathan was not getting any liners so he came to have a sit with me, after a few minutes chatting the Otter showed up in my peg in the margin and that was the end of any activity. We packed up and went home not before putting more bait out.

River Soar 20-10-2012

Another session on top of the bait tonight after last night’s blank; Nathan was again in the next peg upstream from me. Things started off positive as I had fish in my peg but the first take came to Nathan with a small barbel of about 6lb followed with another one around the same size half hour later, he also had a bream before we left. I blanked again so again more bait out ready for the next session.

River Soar 19-10-2012

After a couple of week’s predator fishing on the soar it was time to get back on the carp and barbel fishing. I had a plan to reduce the amount of bait I was putting in due to cost at this time. I teamed up with the other bailiff on the stretch and we agreed to bait 2 pegs close to each other, although we would be using different bait me on my homemade boilies and Nathan on Soar baits boilies, the plan was to bait a line running parallel to the bank running through both of the pegs. The first night Nathan had the first take with a slab of snot and then a couple of hours later had a cracking 11lb 3oz barbel. I was hopeful of a take after a couple of big liners but unfortunately I blanked,  so more bait was put in at the end of the session ready for the next night.

River Soar 10-10-2012

Another Pike session today with some great results using a new product from Castaway, the product is still in the testing stages so cant say to much at the moment. If you have never heard of castaway check them out on Facebook. First fish of the session was a new P.B. Perch at bang on the 3lb mark well chuffed. I also had 5 more takes landing 4 of them all pike the biggest being 8lb. The new product worked wonders today and looking forward to the next session. A big thanks to Castaway and Soar Tackle for making this possible. More info about this new product coming soon.

River Soar 05-10-2012

Had another quick session on the river soar for the pike again today. This time I had 4 jacks, using the same method as the day before again no fish lost which is always good.

River Soar 04-10-2012

Had a couple of hours Pike fishing today and managed to catch a couple of Jacks, using dead baits on to a single hook did the trick with no fish lost.

River Soar 28-09-2012

Another blank today, I tried 3 different pegs and all I got was a snotty which don’t count in my book. So all the effort for nothing but that’s how it goes sometimes I just couldn’t find the fish in the flood water, better luck next time.

River Soar 27-09-2012

Trying a new spot on the soar today as the river is in flood and thought I had got it alright but with nothing to show at the end of the session I guess I got it wrong, well that’s fishing for you.

Evesham Vale 21, 23-09-2012

I had a weekend away at Evesham Vale with the rest of the Vardis Tackle testers, it was great to meet new people and watch how different everyone’s fishing was. There was 15 of us fishing for the weekend and only 11 carp on the bank, conditions were not great Friday night was down to -2 and with a wind pushing straight into you face it was a real cold one. I was having no luck on the first day and night so first thing Saturday morning I decided on a move. Am glad I did as that evening just before the light started to fade I got the first take from a 14lb common. I had a real problem getting this one to the net as my gearing in my reel was playing up every time I went to reel some line in the spool would flick round and let some of the line out again, finally I got it to the net and thanks to Col with the net it slipped in without to much hassle cheers fella. I got the rod straight back out on the bait and an hour later it was off again, this time no trouble with the reel as I had changed it but I managed to lose this one at the net with a hook pull gutted, it looked a little bigger then the last one about the 18 to 19lb mark. I was expecting another take in the night so I was well disappointed when I woke up in the morning with no more action. It was soon time to call it a day and pack up, had a great weekend meeting everyone and look forward to the next one.

River Soar 13-09-2012

With the last pike session being very productive I decided to have another go and what a session. The first take came very quickly and was a great battle jumping out the water and going on awesome runs before making it to the net. This one went 13lb 6oz on the scales. The next take was from a small one at 7lb. Then a new P.B. in the shape of a 2lb 12oz perch what a beauty, this river really does hold some good fish of all species.

River Soar 10-09-2012

I thought I would have a bit of a change today and target some pike. It didn't take long for the first take which was from a pike of around 10lb but it slipped off the mat and back to its home before I could get it in the sling to weigh it that took me well by surprise. After sorting the rod out and chucking back out it was seconds and I had another take this one fought really hard and I could see it was a good pike. It turned out to be a new P.B. at 13lb 12oz and quite fitting for the day as today is the day my uncle passed, I always go pike fishing on this day because my uncle Glyn started me fishing when I was 11 years old and the first time I saw him fishing he was after pike. He caught one while I was there which looked massive to me at the time but looking back it was properly about 7lb. So I thank Glyn for all the times he took me fishing and put up with me spilling the maggots all in the boot of the car and the time my box fell down the river bank and into the water, which he got back with a big hook straight through the strap. I don’t thank him for the time he let go of my hand while I was leaning over the water to try and get the hook out of over hanging branch; I had to sit in my boxers for the rest of the day waiting for my stuff to dry. This pike is for you fella miss you loads..............

River Soar 05-09-2012

This session i caught my smallest barbel to date at 5lb 14oz still put up a great scrap and was more then welcome on another short session.

River Soar 04-09-2012

A short session on the soar turned up another barbel of 7lb this time, finding it hard to find the carp at the minute but i will keep at it am sure they will turn up soon.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

River Soar 01-09-2012

This session started off again with a bream which fell off just before the net, it took an hour and half to get the first real take with a small barbel of 6lb14oz I think this is the smallest one I have caught from the soar, still a great fight. The next take was a hour later with a barbel at 11lb6oz the same one I caught 2 days ago, this time on a different rig and different peg, that makes 8 doubles on the bank this year but a couple of re-captures with that.........

River Soar 30-08-2012

A mid day session for a couple of hours did the business today with a hard fighting barbel at 11lb2oz the 7th double of the season.

River Soar 28-08-2012

After a couple of blanks I got back on them again today. To start with a had a bream and then the rod ripped off with a lovely common weighing in at 10lb10oz that’s the 7th carp of the season and we not got to my fav time of the year yet things are looking good......

River Soar 21-08-2012

This session started off a lovely sunny one but after a friend had turned up to chill with me for a bit, things took a turn for the worse and we ended up sitting in a full on thunder storm right above us, it was a real good un it was coming down that fast I could not see the house on the far bank. After a good half hour of serious rain it started to slow up a bit and out of no where a mirror showed its self, I put a bait straight ion it and 5 min later was rod was off. I had a great fight with a Lean mean fighting machine in the shape of a mirror at 13lb. Big thanks to my mate for the help with the netting and photos.

River Soar 19-08-2012

A slow start to the session but what a end to it, started off with a 3 hour wait until one of the rods gave a slow take which can only mean one thing my best mate the bream, great. It was not long after that the other rod ripped off and I lifted into a good fish but was not sure if it was a carp or barbel, the fish was keeping deep just moving slowly and all of a sudden it turned and started stripping line off the spool I just got it to turn before it made its way to the safety of a snag and soon after it hit the top and I could see it was good barbel. At this point with the barbel on the top and coming towards me the fish turned and sprayed water all up my legs with its tail. Finally I got it in the net and onto the bank for a new P.B. of 13lb4oz. I caught this one last year twice so this barbel has beaten my P.B. 3 time’s lol.

River Soar 18-08-2012

a 2 hour session sees 2 crackers on the bank, its all about timing it right depending on the weather. First take of the night was a lovely barbel of 10lb8oz, after returning the barbel and re baiting the peg i sat down to roll a smoke and off the other rod went.

I lifted into a powerful fish that was ripping line off the spool, i finally got it under control and could see it was common as it swam right under my feet, i thought at the time it was the common i caught last year at 18lb but when i did get it in the net after a 20 min battle i knew it was not the same common, on the scales it went 16lb4oz. buzzing with what i had caught i packed up and was home early.

River Soar 17-08-2012

Another short session on the soar tonight just had the one visit to the bank from a common of 5lb, very welcome as are all carp any size.

River Soar 09-08-2012

Another quick midday session on the soar today and repeated the previous days tactics and again it produced a barbel not long after the rods had gone in, this one was around the 7lb mark. A quick self-take which didn’t turn out that great and it was returned to its watery home. I had no more action today but still pleased to bag another barbel.

River Soar 08-08-2012

A trip to the river soar mid day today as I have not fished at this time of day on here yet this season. It is a lovely day a bit to hot for carrying the gear I had a right sweat on by the time I arrived. I baited the spot up and sat back for half hour before putting the rods out. It didn’t take long for the first run on putting the rods in. A really hairy battle with a good barbel took place before I slipped it over the net to make that the 4th double this year but one being a re-capture, on the scales it went 10lb6oz and a perfect condition barbel. I chucked the rods back out but I know I had spooked the swim and would have to wait a while for another take, it took 2 hours for the next take but this time it was a bream so after returning it I decided to pack up and walk home plus I was getting hungry...

My Lake 05-08-2012

A visit to the puddle today, weather looking great and arrived to find the 2 big uns on the top. I started feeding them with a few small floaters and after about a minute they disappeared, I thought that’s strange they usually have it for a good 10 minutes before moving away. A minute later the floaters where being attacked by a load of small fish on a closer look I could not believe it, there was loads of baby scales. Scales was Ghost carp which died last year after spawning, if you look back in these pages you will find her story. I got the float rod out with some maggots and caught a few for a better look and you can see from the pictures how nice these little ones look, I cant wait for these to grow on. A few hours later and still no sign of the bigger ones I caught one of the small high back mirrors and called it a day. I hope to return soon and try for one of the bigger ones......