O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Monday, 1 July 2013

River Soar 09-08-2010

I have been baiting 2 pegs for a couple of weeks on the soar, I only baited the 2 pegs as no one really fishes down there to much so the chance of someone being in my peg is slim, normally I would bait 3 to 4 pegs to make sure I get a peg with my bait in.
The bank in the first peg is really bad; I can only sit there for a couple of hours before it becomes really un-comfortable. The second peg is just 150 yards down stream, the peg is much more easier  to fish from but is a little far from the prime spot this one is only a back-up.
My first session did not produce anything but a couple of line bites, now I am fishing right under my rod tip so there was not a lot I could do about the line bites, I was only there for an hour this session due to other commitments.
Second session I was only there for 40min as I had a phone call and had to do one.
Third session was a good one, a few line bites plenty of fish movement in front of me I thought I would get something.
All of a sudden my rod tip bent round and line started screaming off the reel I stood up and struck into it.
Well what a fight, I thought I was going to lose it a few times.
The peg is tight to get in and also tight to fish in, only got a 30 foot space to play the fish as there is big trees either side of me which both have branches running through the water I had to keep the fish in front of me. This was well dicey as the bank is not flat.
After a good 15min fighting hard with this fish it rolled over and into the net first time.
When I pulled the net round the fish I was not surprised to see a nice little lump of a carp looking back at me after that fight. I had a problem now there was no way I was going to get the carp up the bank on my own safely; a quick phone call to a friend for help was made.
My mate arrived and jumped straight down into the peg to hold the net while I got up the bank and sorted everything out. Now some of you might be thinking why I did not have my stuff already out well the peg is that tight there is no room for anything.
We weigh the carp in at 20lb 3oz not bad for my first river carp just scraping 20lb.
This carp was very distinctive as one of the pectoral fins was completely missing (the opposite side to the picture).
 After a couple of pictures the carp was returned safely and all is well, till the next time............

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