O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Grange Pond 11-05-2012

A session on Grange pond this evening, fishing on the left bank 2 pegs from the far corner, Dave and Andy on here tonight Dave on the same bank and Andy on the first bank he has had a small one before I arrived. I put the right rod out about 20 yards in front of me on a clear spot and fished slack line, the other rod was cast towards the far bank margin right under a tree this rod had to have the gear stepped up a bit, a used a fixed 2oz lead with lead core and a flying back lead, I also used a back lead as well because I was casting 4 pegs away I really needed to keep the line pinned to the floor as best I could to stop getting liners. I was clamped down hard on this rod because of the snags and I put a bank stick in the ground to the left of the rod just touching it in case I got a strong take which pulled the rod off the alarm, I sat over the rod all session and just before it got dark I watched the rod tip start to bend round and grabbed the rod before the bite alarm had gone off, the carp tried to take me into the snag straight away so had to play quite hard to start with after 10 minutes I slipped her into the net a 14lb common sweet, I packed up soon after, all session the carp have been showing signs of spawning so I think this might be the last session on here this season for me roll on the new season on the river I cant wait.............

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