O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Monday, 1 July 2013

Grange Pond 09-04-2011

A quick session down at Grange tonight fishing on the top. I took a selection of dog biscuits pre-drilled for the hair rig set-up also took a loaf of bread. Started off using the bread as not a lot showing and you cant feed on the top on this pond.
Was having trouble with the bread staying on its been to long since I fished with bread I've been using fake dog biscuits a lot which works well when you can feed them. I gave up after a while, a lad came down I've seen on here a couple of times to have a go on the top as well, he fished in the next peg as not a lot was topping. I changed my rig over to fish with a double dog biscuit on the hair, I cast it out in front of me and placed the round upside down on the floor and flicked the bait runner on so I could roll one. As I turned my back all I heard was the line ripping off the reel so turned and grabbed the rod and the fight was on. After a good 10 minute fight it was in the net sweet. Nice double common in good condition.
 About 15 minutes later the lad fishing next to me was in on bread this one turned out to be a small single common. I decided to change over to a single big dog biscuit still on the hair and chuck it out quiet far were some carp had started to surface. It didn’t get any of them but a reeled it in about 20 foot and couple of minutes later one came up and took the biscuit so I struck into it and it was on another good fight and another good common this time a upper double. I had a couple more casts and then called it a night, a well enjoyed session.

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