O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Monday 28 October 2013

The Syndicate 26-10-2013

Well this session started a bit different then the others and not in a good way. To start with I had to make a trip to a friends to pick up an additive I wanted for this session which was a hour round trip. Then I nipped in to Soar Tackle to collect my leads and have a quick chat with Scott to catch up on what had been caught around the area over the last week. Then a trip to get some gas as Scott had just ran out but unfortunately for me there was no gas for my stove but there was some for a stove I know Scott’s got at the shop, so I trip back to Soar Tackle for the stove before I could leave for the lake. Finally I arrived at the with two others already on, I choose I likely area and got the kit to the swim.

I had just got everything ready rods all clipped up to the spots baited up when Colin arrives. The fun is not over yet as he had forgot his alarms and did not have enough fuel to make the journey back home and then back to the lake. I offered to run him home while his missus looked after my kit, this was another hour and ten minutes round trip. It was just before six when I finally got the rods out. Colin on the other hand had to set most of his gear up in the dark. Conditions looked good for a bite or two with pressure low and still dropping for the some of the time there and a bloody great howler blowing with up to 80mph gusts. Saying this there was nothing really showing I had seen one leave the water for a second near to baited area but that was about it till first light. The night passed with Colin losing one shortly after the take at about five in the morning but that was it. I had a big bosh over my near margin rod at first light so was sure of a take but it never came. Time for a fat breakfast then as we always do about this time, yeah.....

The day passed with nothing showing and all alarms quite for all of us on the lake. A bit of a strange one as everything felt right but that’s fishing for you, if it was easy I would soon get bored of it. Till the next time.....

The Syndicate 19-10-2013

Another week at work finished and time for a 24 hour set on the syndicate. It was a bit of a rush to be honest, finished work at four but had 35 minute drive home to collect the gear before another 40 minutes to get to the lake. I must say the drive to the lake was nice it really felt like autumn driving down country roads with the wind blowing countless leaves over car, I was buzzing to get to the lake. By the time a had the rods out I set my home up for the night in the dark.

I was happy with all three rods and was confident for one of them to rip off. The conditions felt right for things to happen but morning arrived without a single bleep and it was the same for three others on the lake. All four of us ended up leaving with a blank after seeing the next day out. My tactics were much the same as my other times on here but this time I was fishing from a different bank. I fished this peg back in February for two nights in minus six and banked three carp so I had a good idea of the patrol route through this area and had strategically placed my baits to try intercept a carp or two.

The Syndicate 05-10-2013

Back on the syndicate for a quick over nighter. There is a work party on here tomorrow, thought I would get here early and try get a couple of bites. I did a couple of laps around the lake but didn’t see any signs of fish. The lake was empty so I choose I peg in the middle of the lake so I could spread the rods out and cover as much water as possible.

I set out getting the rods clipped up to the spots and walked them out on the bank placing markers at the distance, this will allow me to hit the spots at night with little effort. I only baited the spots lightly to start with hoping to get a quick bite. If I get a take or see fish over the spot I will top the spots up with a bit more bait. The first rod was fished with a 18mm Marukyu Credence Krill Feast Boilie with 18 and 14mm freebies. The second rod was a 14mm Krill Feast with a 10mm Credence Change Bait in Pineapple flavour with 18, 14 and 10mm Krill Feast freebies.

 The last rod was using two 10mm Change Baits in Pineapple and Orange with 10mm Pineapple, Orange and Strawberry freebies. Things were very quite until I got tucked up in the bag and the first rod ripped off. This was an unusual quick battle for this place before a low double Mirror was in the net. The mirror had certainly been having a bit of a munch as it ejected two 14mm Krill Feasts in the net. I walked the rod out to the marker and with a trusty Castaway Pva bag I was out on the spot in no time.

I topped up the spot with a good couple of handfuls of 14 and 18mm Krill Feast. Back in the bag it was hard to get back to sleep as I was sure for another take but I finally fell to sleep and woke up at first light with no more takes. I little gutted I got up and put the kettle on. Still no signs of fish so nothing to move on to I thought it best to stick it out here till the work party arrived. Well looks like the one take is all am going to get this session but still I enjoyed my time on the bank as always. Till next time..............