O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Sunday, 3 August 2014

The Railway Pit

This is a water I fished for a couple of months in 2008, not a lot has changed since then really the lake looks a little more mature but then its been here a long time way before I was born. Most of my family has fished this place over the years so its was nice to have a go myself. I pulled off early last time to go fish another water so I thought I would have another go this season. Things could not of gone better for the first session. The club has a no night fishing rule and in the book it tells you what times you fish for each month.

The first session was to be in the late evening I thought this would be the best time to see the fish showing and maybe get a take or two. I ended up with four takes but lost one the best fish being a lovely mid double Ghostie, this put up a great fight and I was glad when it finally slipped over the cord.

 I had a double take later on just managing to land the first as the other rod ripped off. Over the next few days I bagged another five Carp and three Tench fishing the late evening sessions. The best of these being close to the 20 mark. The second week on the water things only got better with the size of the fish starting to increase. I have had another five carp up to near mid 20.

Its been a good start to the campaign which I hope continues. Only time will tell......

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