O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Sunday, 3 August 2014

The Big Pit so far

Early on in the year me and a friend had a couple of sessions fishing on a local pit which is huge. This is a day only water which puts most carp anglers off and to add to that it can be a 15 minute walk to the spot. We tackled the water together finding a nice area with a sand bar on the far side. We have seen fish cruising up and down the bar which is around 50 yards away. The bait was to be the Nut Mix from Soar Tackle and fishing popped up Corn, Maize and Boilies over the top. The first session was a good start with my mate having a lovely golden Common over the 20 mark and us both having a take at the same time two more Commons. A good start on a water of this size.

 We returned a couple of weekends later and both had a take each my mate with another Common and me with a lovely looking Mirror.

We unfortunately didn’t get any more time on the place due to other tickets coming through the post. To be honest this was a good as the club who have the rights to the water have now aloud night fishing increasing the number of anglers ten fold. The time we did spend on her was a great learning curve and we plan to return there in the next couple of seasons....

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