O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Monday, 28 October 2013

The Syndicate 19-10-2013

Another week at work finished and time for a 24 hour set on the syndicate. It was a bit of a rush to be honest, finished work at four but had 35 minute drive home to collect the gear before another 40 minutes to get to the lake. I must say the drive to the lake was nice it really felt like autumn driving down country roads with the wind blowing countless leaves over car, I was buzzing to get to the lake. By the time a had the rods out I set my home up for the night in the dark.

I was happy with all three rods and was confident for one of them to rip off. The conditions felt right for things to happen but morning arrived without a single bleep and it was the same for three others on the lake. All four of us ended up leaving with a blank after seeing the next day out. My tactics were much the same as my other times on here but this time I was fishing from a different bank. I fished this peg back in February for two nights in minus six and banked three carp so I had a good idea of the patrol route through this area and had strategically placed my baits to try intercept a carp or two.

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