O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

O.C.F.D Obsessive Compulsive Fishing Disorder

Saturday, 21 September 2013

The syndicate 14-09-2013

Right all the gear is packed and sat ready next to the front door. Enough time for a smoke and coffee before my lift arrives and then it’s off to the syndicate for 24 hours. Its feeling good for a bite so I just hope there not too many already on as it’s a Saturday and I usually fish it in the week. The sun is just starting to break through and dry out everything after nearly a whole night of rain. I bet there’s a few on the rivers today now it will have a bit of colour to it. On arriving at the lake and there’s one other angler on so not to bad. There is three of us doing a quick over night-er this session. We all chose our pegs after a couple of walks round. I had chosen the same peg I fished last time so I approached it much the same way.

  I put in half a kilo of Marukyu Credence Krill Feast boilies in 14mm and 18mm, these were spread over a spot the size of half a tennis court in front of a large tree on the opposite bank. I put two rods on this spot both with Bottom Bait rigs using the Krill Feast. The other rod was to be fished over a Nut Particle Mix from Soar Tackle using a Credence Pop-up over the top. This rod was cast over to another over hanging tree on the far bank but this time I cast it to the side of the tree right tight in the margin about a foot off the bank. We were all sat chatting having a cuppa when one of my rods ripped off, it was the rod over the Nut Mix. Not long into the fight the fish weeded me up solid, I kept a tight line on it and tried to get a better angle to the fish by walking up the bank but I just couldn’t move it. I put the rod back on the rest for a minute and it ripped off again but as soon as I picked the rod up it was into another weed bed. This end of the lake has the most weed in it at the minute its really thick in places. I repeated the process but with no luck after 40 minutes of trying everything I could thick off it finally felt like the fish was off. I left the rod on the rest for another 20 minutes before pulling for a break. This was the only take of the first day out of three of us. The next day started very slow with no signs of fish until around eleven. I seen three fish top and was packing the gear up ready for a move up the lake. This was a good move as an hour on the new spot I had a screamer. Another fish falling to the Marukyu Krill Feast and I must say the best looking one I have caught on this bait so far.

 I still felt like there was a chance of another bite and I was right not even five minutes of putting the rod back out it was off again with another great battle. This one a little bigger then the first but not as good looking again falling to the Krill Feast. I stayed on for another three hours with no takes or signs of fish so I decided to call it a day and pack up and head home. Another good session using the Marukyu baits. Till next time.................

Friday, 13 September 2013

River Soar 09-09-2013

Off to the River Soar for a short session this afternoon. I arrived just after midday and had a good look around in the shallows to see if I could find anything moving through. I settled on a peg which felt right and got the rods out. I will be fishing with two rods today; the first will be a two foot length of Fluorocarbon to a size 8 Vardis Anti-snag hook. The hook bait will be a Marukyu Credence Krill Feast in size 14mm, with this will be a stick mix I have made using Marukyu additives and I will be coating my Hook bait with Credence Liquid.

 The other rod will have a two foot Vardis Abrasion Resistance Hook-link in Dark Grey tied to again an Anti-snag hook in size 8. Bait for this rod will be again a Krill Feast in 14mm but this time I will using Marukyu EFG 142 ground bait as a stick. When mixing this product I don’t use water instead I use Marukyu SFA 450 which is a Krill Extract. If you have not seen the EFG 142 you must have a look it is not to be sniffed at.  I know a lot of specimen anglers mostly carp anglers will turn their nose up to using a ground bait but I can ensure you this is on another level.
The conditions were not what you would call great for a bite with the blazing mid-afternoon sunshine and the River has virtually no colour to it. An hour in to the session and the left rod just melted off, took me right by surprise. I lifted into the fish and just ripped line off me straight away, I had to put as much pressure on it as I dare to stop the fish from running down stream where I would certainly lose it. A few moments of hair raising stuff and I had control of the fish and happy played it out in front of me. Finally I had a nice looking Barbel in the net. I reeled the other rod in while the Barbel was resting in the net. The last thing I want in this peg is a double pick up, don’t get me wrong it would great to two on at the same time but not in this peg fish safety must always come first.

 On the mat I had my fourth double this season. This is only the sixth session on the River Soar this season as I have been busy fishing other places. Yet again the Marukyu Krill Feast doing the business is there anywhere this boilie will not work, I think not. Till the next time people……………

The syndicate 26-08-2013

Back on the syndicate for a two night session and conditions are again poor. The usual walk round turned up nothing so it was to a spot I have already fished where am sure I could pick a couple from. The first rod was to on a raked spot which has seen bait for last two weeks but only been fished for a few hours. On this spot a put 5 kilo of Nut Particle from Soar Tackle. I will be using a Stiff Hinged rig on this spot with a Credence Fruit Spice Pop-up. The other two rods were both fished with Bottom Baits and Soft coated braids from Vardis.

The spot for these rods were right in front of a big tree on the opposite margin. I already have markers for the distance on this spot so it was quick and easy getting the rigs on the spots. The rods are only a rod length apart 70 yards away with a good scattering of Marukyu Credence Krill feast boilies in sizes 14mm and 18mm. I will be using an 18mm glugged boilie on one and an 18mm topped with half a 14mm Pop-up. By three I was all set up and settled down but it was an uneventful evening and night for that matter. The first take came at seven in the morning off the Nut Particle; it started as a one bleep then just melted. I was up like a shot to the rod and bent into what felt like a good fish. The fish kited to my left instantly and weeded me up. Luckily it broke free soon after and carried on kiting to the left right across the lake to my margin, I had managed to gain enough line to be able to walk a little down the bank and stop the fish heading into the reeds. After a good battle in the margin I finally had a lovely Common in the net.

 I thought I was going to be to a few more but the day passed with nothing, another quite night so a move was on the cards until one of the boilie rods ripped off. A few minutes into the battle and the hook pulled. It didn’t feel like a big fish but still I was not best pleased. I had to stay put now there had been no sign of fish anywhere else but a couple of shows over the bait. A couple of hours later and the other boilie rod was off this time I lost it in the weed but again it didn’t feel like a big fish. That was the last of the action for this session but I will be back soon, I did put a little more bait on the spots before I left. If I return in a few days and again cant find them I will at least know there has been some bait in the spots. Till next time then….. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013

End of season 2012-2013 on the River Soar video

This is my end season video its been a great season even with all the bad weather. I look forward to the new season and hope the weather is a little kinder.
Please use this link if the video wont play........

The syndicate 04-06-2013

A session just before spawning. I will get back to more writing soon lol.

Mid February on the syndicate

Here is a couple of little videos of a two night session on the syndicate that was a proper cold one.

Last week of the river season 2013

I am well behind on the blogs at the minute but i am trying to get up to date. Here is the last week on the river hope you enjoy.

The syndicate 19-08-2013

A hard over nighter on the bank. I had a walk round the lake as you should always do when you arrive; you never know what you might spot. On this occasion to my surprise I found no signs of fish moving about. It was not feeling good for a bite the pressure was going to be rising throughout the day, conditions were not good. I decided to fish a spot I have been on before as there is nothing showing, if they start showing else where I will move on them. The last time I fished this peg about a week ago I put some marks in the hedge to mark the distance for the clip. All I had to do was walk the rods out to the marks clip up and am on the spot. Super accurate and proper simple. 

With all three rods clipped up to the spot I started putting a little bait. I only baited lightly as the conditions where not great and I didn’t think they would be getting their heads down in the night. Two rods will be over one spot with Marukyu Credence Krill Feast boilies in 14mm and 18mm. One of the rods will be fishing with a special Krill Feast Hook Bait and the other will have a Krill Bottom Bait topped with half a Credence Krill Pop-up. The third rod will be fished over a small amount of Nut Particle Mix from Soar Tackle; over this I will fish a Credence Fruit Spice Pop-up. The next five hours passed with nothing happening or seeing any fish in the swim or even this end of the lake. There had been three top at the other end of the lake in this time. I had around an hour till dark so I had to make a choice quick should i stick it out on the bait or do a move to the other end of the lake. I moved and within 45 minutes I was sat back with a coffee. A couple more crashed on the top before I got my head down for the night. I was awoken at first light by a couple of bleeps, as I got out the bag to have a look it screamed off. I bent into a hard fighting fish that was determined to stuff me in the tree to my right. Finally the fish was safely in the net and resting while I got the gear sorted. A very welcome double Mirror almost a Leather the only scales were on the wrist of its tale.

Another lovely fish to fall the Credence Krill Feast. The move paid off in the end but that was the only take I got this session it never felt good from the off so to come away with one I was chuffed. Till the next time…..

The Syndicate 06-08-2013

It’s Tuesday and the car is loaded and me and Colin are off for a two night session.  This session is mainly to try out a new particle mix from Soar Tackle. We arrived at the lake around two in the afternoon, with just a couple of old boys fishing for Tench. There were a few Carp on the top so the first thing out the car was the floater rod. I set up with just hook to line to stalk one out the side on the good old bread, 10 minutes later and I have a Common on the end, stunning little one with white tips on the tail and fins.  Great start to the session but it was time to get the gear out of the car and try bag a bigger one.

 The peg I chose has a big tree on the opposite bank to my right. This is going to have two rods on it; there is a lovely silt area just in front of the tree between all the weeds. That’s the first two rods sorted, the third rod is to be fished in the margin on my bank but 60 yards down on a clear gravel area in front of a big tree. The rigs for the two rods in front of the tree will be a stiff hinged rig and a simple coated braid bottom bait rig. For the rod in the margin I am going to start with another stiff hinged rig, bait wise will be a glugged boilie on one with a pop-up on the other cast to the far side in front of the tree with a big bed of Marukyu Credence Krill Feast boilies in sizes 14mm and 18mm. The margin rod will be baited with a nut particle mix from Soar Tackle; this mix was made with a standard particle mix with crushed Peanut and Tigers. I will start fishing this with a pop-up.

The first fish off the bottom fell to Colin who was also using the same baits, a nice little mirror fell to a double piece of corn over the nut mix. The next bite didn’t come until first light and was to be off my margin rod a little Common taking a pop-up over the nut mix. So far so good on the new mix.  A couple of hours later my bottom bait rod tightened up with a few bleeps, I picked the rod up thinking it was a missed bite but half way across the lake I felt a small bit of resistance, maybe I just caught some weed on the retrieve but to my surprise there was a roach on the end. It turned out to be a nice one at 1lb 6oz, this tried to take a 18mm Krill Feast boilie and had a size 6 Vardis gripper hook in its bottom lip. I must say I was a bit gutted I had caught this because it was a lovely roach and to drag it in on a 3lb test rod was certainly not good for it. The next three fish came off Colin's rods all falling to the corn over the nut mix. All three were only small ones but still very pretty fish.

I was in 2 minds to change from pop-up boilie to corn with Colin having the last 3 but they are the small ones of the lake, I stuck with it and had another run on the margin rod shortly after which unfortunately resulted in a hook pull. A few hours with not a lot happening the next run was from my bottom bait rod, another small Common, although these fish were only singles and low doubles they scrapped like mad every time so its was still great fun. 

After this capture I decided to have a little change on one of the rods fishing over the boilies, I changed the pop-up rig over to the same rig on the other rod. Instead of using the Krill Feast boilies I used the Marukyu Credence Fruit Spice in 18mm with a small bag of crushed ones. All the freebies have been Krill Feast over this spot so I would be interesting to see if a complete opposite boilie can get a bite.
The light was starting to fade before anymore action came, Colin having four more singles through the night last one at four in the morning. I had a very quiet night until just before eight in the morning, one of the bottom bait rods was off this one being the biggest so far, a lovely upper double Common falling to the Fruit Spice boilie.

Making the change over to a Fruit Spice boilie payed off and i was confident it would go again. The rig I was using was made solely of Vardis tackle products, the hook link was Skin Line, soft in moss green, this is a lovely coated hook link which is still very soft much Iike a supple Fluorocarbon . I only stripped enough coating for the hair and knot less knot, to a size 6 Gripper hook. 

It was a quiet day until just after four and I was in with another off the Krill Feast boilie, only a small mirror this time. I was just slipping her back in and Colins boilie rod was off with his best of the session for him a lovely Common, we nearly had a brace on the bank. Things went quiet again but I had noticed a couple of big Carp to my right on the top, I grabbed the stalking rod and free lined a piece of bread right on the spot. After 30 seconds two Mirrors came up for it, one was a big Mirror pushing 30lb, but the small one a low double took the bait. This one weeded me up time after time but with a little help from Colin it was in the net, the last one of the trip. Although we didn’t bag a big one we had a far bit of action from a lake which is no runs water, I will be returning very soon to try put some of the bigger fish on the bank.